Kah Wen | Dance Teacher
Kah Wen started dancing at 8 years old and while growing up, her parents supported her passion to pursue this. From Modern and Chinese dances in school CCAs, she also ventured deeply into Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz and Ballroom dances over the last decade. In recent years, she has trained and performed for many events as a member of Foreign Bodies School of Groove from Nanyang Polytechnic. With Hip Hop as a strong foundation in Kah Wen’s junior year of Foreign Bodies, she was exposed and managed to experience many other genres of street dances such as Waacking, Dancehall, Street Jazz, Popping and Locking, Girl’s Style and many more. Additionally, Kah Wen has always been a huge fan of Kpop songs, MV and idols and thus have inspired her greatly to perform dance covers. Kah Wen competed in competitions both locally and internationally, 2009 ‘wack it out’ in 2019. Kah Wen has also attained an ACTFA certificate of SFDF as well as level 3 waacking course.